Well, I'm not sure how to go about laying this page out. I guess I'll just put my words on the virtual paper so-to-speak and leave my address for ideas and code. If I ever get any that is. I'll put the links to the current code on here too. Any other ideas you have which may make this community work would be appreciated and will be posted here (proper credits given of course).

My first hair brained idea is for a car pool organizer. I want people to be able to type in when they will be going somewhere and what times they will be going and be able to find anothe person to ride with or give a ride to. Variables for how much time you are wiling to wait for the other person either before or after and how far away the person can be from you (I'm envisioning simple geographical areas set up here where three or four people are in one area and the deviation would be to include which other districts to search for a ride)

I also want to have some program or capapbilities to be able to only have to use a moniter and keyboard to be able to work on things with the net (and some sort of hardware that I can't put my finger of a word for). Talking to my husband about this, I think it's going to involve clusters and a central web address. I can't explain this more without question and answer type stuff so if you are interested, write me.

This one is more for some other project, but I think it'll work nicely for this one too. I have a friend working on an SQL for me. I want to be able to enter a string of properties for seeds and seed companies so that they can sell them over the net. (This is my idea for part of the buisness I want to have to contirbute to the community). However, he is bogged down with other things like school and stuff so a little help would be nice. He has a lot done, I'm just getting impatient.

Well, there they are, at least the ones I can think of right now. Send me your ideas for other projects and any code or suggestions on how to set these programs up. I'll post them here with my comments of what I think. This is the only area where the default will be to post the name of the contributor because I know that the open source community is more likely to send stuff in when they will be recognised where the rest of the backwards world would rather remain annonymous. As always, typographical corrections are always welcomed.